Friday, December 4, 2009

Barczyk- Misunderstood Minds

After completeling all the simulations in all four areas, I got a better understanding of individuals with learning disabilities. Some of the simulations made me frustrated more than others. In the visual activity for the attention area, I found it very difficult to focus on the passage because it kept on fading in and out making it almost impossible to understand what I was reading. Another activity that made me frustrated was the auditory one. The noises of everyone talking at once when the teacher was explaining directions drove me crazy. I can see how difficult it would be for a child who has a attention disorder, trying to concentrate with all the distractions around would be. Reading the passage on "oxygen" for the memory activity gave me a better insight as well. I had a good understanding, but when it came time to answer some of the questions down below it was difficult. Not being able to refer back to the passage while answering questions made it hard to recall specific information. These simulations really give you a good idea on how it is to have a learning disibility. It was a very interesting experience and helps you to understand why some of these children have such a struggle. In order to teach these children you definitely have to have patience and a good understanding of each of their child's needs. They have to be able to see it through the student's perspective.


  1. I like how you explain in some detail about specific parts of the simulations, because it then allows others to understand what you saw and truly get your opinion on the topic. I also like how you explain that it is definitely a struggle for these children, and even at times may be difficult for a teacher, but with patience and understanding we can make a difference and have an effect on these children with learning disabilities. And seeing through the student's perspectives is definitely key.

  2. I did not post to this due to not being able to access it but I can now so I will be posting on here from now on! Thanks.

